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Hello, Sweet Visitor, My name is Sangeeta Durgia alias Manisha Manghnani, working as an economics professor at the University Of Mumbai since 1994. With 26 years' experience, My journey of Teaching started in the year 1985 after completing my high school. I started teaching as a private tutor to the neighbourhood's school kids from 5th grade to 10th grade.

Through this journey, the urge for Teaching goes on increasing.

With the excellence academics, I received Many Scholarship as I completed my graduation In Commerce in April 1990.


Being a student at the University Of Mumbai towards becoming a lecturer, the journey of Teaching begins.

After my graduation, I even completed a B.ED – A professional degree from the University of Mumbai in the year 1992

After my professional degree, I got a Job in Sadhubella Girls High School, a reputed school in my hometown in Ulhasnagar, Mumbai. My initial job was as a pre-primary teacher.

Simultaneously I also got a rewarding job at a coaching class as a Maths Teacher.


“Teaching is never my profession, but it is a passion in my life.”


I got promoted to the subordinate section as a Maths Teacher for 8th,9th, and 10th grade in 1993.

Besides my teaching career, I continued my education, and eventually, I completed my Master's Degree in Commerce. On a Merit basis, I again got promoted to Junior College. Since June 1994, The Thrust of Education and knowledge always motivated me to be a keen student. I accomplished a Masters Education degree in the year 1996 and Masters in Arts with a specialisation in Economics from the University of Pune in the year 1997

In the teaching profession, I recognise as Best Teacher From the Rotary Club of Ulhasnagar, Mumbai. I am involved in teaching Economics since 1995.


Life smoothly goes around my college, my students and my family.

All of a sudden- COVID19, a global pandemic, gave a massive break to all the lives. We were forced to stay inside our home and follow social distancing.

The teaching profession was severely hit, and the only option to contact our students was through virtual online classes.


We faced several problems. Major ones were :-


  • Many students migrated with their parents to the native place, a home town due to complete lock-down since March 2020

  • Many students do not have a stable internet connection and even a basic smartphone to attend online classes.

  • Many parents do not have enough financial backing to provide laptops, tablets, or even smartphones to their children.

  • Many parents lost their jobs.


Hoping my efforts will bring Fruitful and colourful changes in the studies.

This unprecedented situation gave me the inspiration to provide all my students through my recorded lectures and written study material, which I mostly dictate in my class. Thus, I have involved myself with YouTube and start a different website to guide my students' motivation.


Highlighted Features of my study materials :-


  • It will help my student to understand the topic very easily.

  • The language used is straightforward to understand

  • Important points are highlighted.

  • Study materials are structured and written with the help of the diagram.



Huge shoutout to my lovely children Avinash and Nidhi, who motivated me to record lectures and provide help to my beloved students during the lock-down period.

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